Ray Bernard
Full Stack Web Developer, Designer, Entrepreneur

About Me

Ray Bernard Face Photo
Ray Bernard


Ray has been building websites since 2002. Back then, he used Microsoft FrontPage and Adobe Dreamweaver to start learning code. His initial work was focused on small online businesses and converting users into buyers with sales copy and call to action triggers.

Today, Ray has developed a true passion for web development and design. He uses multiple technologies to create beautiful user interfaces and highly functional user experiences. Ray works with clients from all over the world and builds everything from static websites to complex web applications.

My Technical Skills:


It is important to understand how HTML affects SEO. Therefore, Ray puts a strong emphasis on meta tags, semantic elements, and heading placement.

He also has an in depth command of CSS3 properties and how they affect design. He incorporates design best practices in color coordination, text selection, animations, flex/grid layouts, and responsive images.


Managing CSS3 code can become a complicated affair as project design continues to expand.

Ray uses Sass to de-clutter and stay organized with his CSS3 designs. This also allows his code to be modular and reusable.


JavaScript is the backbone to just about every project Ray works on. He is proficient at Vanilla JavaScript and interacting with the DOM.

This allows Ray to make websites interactive and provide powerful user experiences.


Ray uses the React Framework on a daily basis. Using React along with his JavaScript expertise allows him to create user-friendly web applications in the shortest amount of time.

Ray uses Redux for state management, Router for page routing, NextJS for SSR and Gatsby for static pages.


To continue his love for Javascript, Ray uses Node.JS for his backend architecture.

This includes creating RESTful APIs, using ExpressJS for building web servers, MONGODB as a database, and using Socket.io for two way communication in chat applications.


Working on a team calls for a structured form of version control. Ray's favorite version control system is Git and he uses it on almost every project.

He prefers to use GitHub as his repository hosting service due to its strict security policies and ease of use.

My Portfolio

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Contact Info

Ray Bernard
Full Stack Web Developer, Designer, Entrepreneur

Calgary, Alberta, Canada
+1 (403) 744-5150